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Showing posts from April, 2015

A RESTFul with Openshft, Python + Flask and AeroGear

As a new year's resolution I have  started to learn Python. So I have read an introduction to this programming language. Then as next step I have created a RESTful API app. I have found tons of documents but, however, it take a lot of time and effort...  The aim    Build a RESTFul API to store and retrive  data. It use  MongoDB and AeroGear to send a notification (when new object is stored).   Tools     openshift , as hosting platform.    Python +  Flask , to build the RESTFul API.      AeroGear used to push notification.  Notification     The notifications are send with AeroGear. So I have used one of the openshift gears to hosting this service.  I also  have built an Android App to receive the notification (using Android SDK , AeroGear library for Android and the Google Api to manage  push notifications). RESTFull API    To build the Flask app I have followed this tutorial and add some code. This is the required library, in my