A leaflet template for ionic
Leaflet is a very useful javascript library to insert map into an app. It has lots of extensions, which simplify it's use. I use it mainly in ionic's app, so I have created a repo on GitHub as a start point. It's extends the side menu template with leaflet.
And after you have incluse in the app's model dependencies, the angular-leaflet directive, and have defined an object in the controller as $scope.map which contains the center point when load the map, the layer to load and some optional parameter you can see the map.
You also can center the map to the actual position:
The key points are:
- Get a GeoJson through an api call (markersApi.js)
- Create a map (with OSM as baselayer).
- Add the GeoJson to the map (using the marker-cluster library).
- Add a marker on tap.
Add the map to the html
To add leaflet map in ionic (and angular) there is a directive to simplify it: angular-leaflet-directive (or you can use ui-leaflet). In the html you can just put:
<leaflet data-tap-disabled="true" defaults="map.defaults" id="map" layers="map.layers" lf-center="map.center"></leaflet>And after you have incluse in the app's model dependencies, the angular-leaflet directive, and have defined an object in the controller as $scope.map which contains the center point when load the map, the layer to load and some optional parameter you can see the map.
//set the property of the map $scope.map = { center: { lat: 46, lng: 11, zoom: 8 }, defaults: { zoomControl: false, attributionControl: true }, layers: { baselayers: { xyz: { name: 'OpenStreetMap (XYZ)', url: 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', type: 'xyz', zoomControl: false, layerOptions: { attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors' } } } } };
You also can center the map to the actual position:
var options = {enableHighAccuracy: false,timeout: 20000}; //center the map on the actual position. var setCurrentPosition = function () { $ionicLoading.show({ template: '', duration: 7000 }); $cordovaGeolocation.getCurrentPosition(options).then(function (position) { if (position) { $scope.map.center.lat = position.coords.latitude; $scope.map.center.lng.longitude = position.coords.longitude; } else {} }).catch(function (err) {}).finally(function () { $ionicLoading.hide(); }); };
Add markers to the marker
The markers are in a GeoJson format, so they are among throughout the L.GeoJSON layer:
//create a marker cluster layer var markers = L.markerClusterGroup(); /* *When the view enter: * get the map. * get the markers form the api. * create the geojson layer * add the geojson layer to the marker cluster layer * add the marker cluster layer to the map * */ $scope.$on("$ionicView.enter", function (scopes, states) { leafletData.getMap("map").then(function (map) { map.invalidateSize(); markersApi.getPoints().then(function (resp) { var geojson = new L.GeoJSON(resp, { onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { //open a ionic modal on click layer.on('click', function (e) { $scope.map.center.lat = feature.geometry.coordinates[1]; $scope.map.center.lng = feature.geometry.coordinates[0]; $scope.feature = feature; $scope.openLayersModal(); }); } }); markers.addLayer(geojson); map.addLayer(markers); }, function (err) { console.log('ERROR', err.status); }); });
Add a marker on tap
To add a marker on tap, you can add this code:
var setMarker = function (latlng) { if (!newMarker) { newMarker = new L.marker(latlng).addTo(map); } else { newMarker.setLatLng(latlng).update(); } }; var newMarker = null; map.on('click', function (e) { setMarker(e.latlng); });
the repo is available on GitHub at this link.
NOTE: angular-leaflet use leaflet at version 0.7.7 so the marker-cluster is the old version as you can see in the bower.json file.
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